Announcing our new Friday evening class– Athletic Conditioning

We are excited to announce Raymer Strength’s new Friday evening class– Athletic Conditioning!

Starting January 12th, athletes can drop in on Fridays to develop their energy systems and increase performance under pressure.

Playing the sport is still the most effective method of conditioning… but athletes may want an extra edge. Or maybe they have weekend games and want to prime their bodies to perform their best.

Soreness is not a measure of success here at Raymer Strength, so don’t be afraid to come in before your weekend tournaments! In fact, research has shown that training 24 hours before a game can increase your game time performance.

When are the classes?

Fridays at 4:30pm and 5:45pm
(Starting January 12th)

Who’s invited?

Everyone 👋

How much does it cost?

It’s FREE if you’re enrolled into our unlimited membership! If you’re not in our unlimited membership, see Coach J or Coach Eddie for drop in fee details.

What will it be like?

This is a “class style” offering, so everyone will be training the same program together. It will look quite different from what athletes experience with us during their individualized training Mondays through Thursdays.

How? We’ll target different energy systems and maximize work capacity. We’ll manipulate training variables like intensity, exercise selection, sets, reps, rest intervals and time under tension in order to affect the body’s adaptation. Most of the time, athletes will work through circuits, with fun warm ups and cool downs.

Our goal on Fridays is to increase our athletes’ ability to REPEAT their power, speed, and strength on the field of play. On Mondays through Thursdays, we will continue to enhance the athletes’ BASELINES of strength, speed, agility, and power in their individualized training programs. We’ll also continue to focus on reducing the chances of injury.

Should my training mix change?

We suggest using Fridays to enhance your training experience— but not make it your only experience with us. One without the other is missing half of the equation of better performance and fitness.

How do I sign up?

Let us know in our scheduling app, Upper Hand, that you’ll be joining us. See you soon!

Coach J