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 Team Training

Data-driven programming, customized to your team’s goals and abilities.

Help your team gain strength, speed, and confidence.

What do we do? Watch your athletes gain strength, speed, and confidence over time. Our programming is built on increasing power, strength, speed, and agility. It’s also 100% data driven. We adjust training programs based on realtime athlete feedback and data on how they are progressing to ensure your team is making the gains they need.

How does it work? We use an app to help assess your team’s readiness to train, incorporating data points like Quality of Rest, Stress Level, Soreness, General Health, and more to create and adjust training programs that are appropriate for the team at any given time.

Best part? You’ll have access to the performance data, anytime, 24/7– as soon as its inputted.

What’s included? We can build your program to fit your need. Our current teams are coming in once a week in person and also doing one of our training programs using the app later in the week.


Who we’ve worked with

  • Indiana Bombers Poeck Gold (June 2021 - present)

  • Lutheran High School Saints Softball (Summer 2021)

  • OYO Red Storm 14U (Winter 2019-2020)


Qualified & Certified Coaching

Our staff is experienced and certified on multiple levels to ensure quality and knowledgeable service in the field of sports performance. Our head coach is a certified USA Weightlifting Level 1 coach, FMS Level 2, and certified personal trainer. Prior to founding Raymer Strength, he served four years as an intern and then Assistant Strength Coach at Noblesville High School where he programmed for hundreds of athletes and multiple teams per day.

Meet the Team

Contact us if you’re ready to find out more.


Online Team Training

Need to train at your own location?

Get the benefits of our specialized skillset no matter where you are. We’ll put together a program according to the age, ability-level, and equipment available to your team. Using the Teambuildr app, your team and coaching staff can perform the training sessions anywhere, anytime.

We will meet with you over the phone or via video chat at a regular cadence to discuss progress and adjust programming. Our team also reviews athlete videos for form and can give you helpful coaching cues to help your team access their full potential.
